Boulevard Battery //
Proud supporters of Sporting Kansas City in the South Stand at Children's Mercy Park. Dedicated to bringing the best gameday experience possible, the Boulevard Battery stands and sings every home match of the season. We are loud and proud!
For more information: @TheBlvdBattery
Omaha Brigade //
Our mission is to support Sporting KC and our local soccer community however we can. We travel near and far for the love of our team and the beautiful game. You can find us in the South Stand at Children's Mercy Park or at DJ's Dugout (114th and Dodge) cheering on Sporting. You will also see us cheering on the Bugeaters FC, Union Omaha, and our local college teams. We believe soccer is for everyone, any and all are welcome to join us!
For more information: @SKCOmahabrigade
Free State Firm //
We are a Sporting KC Supporter Group based out of Lawrence, KS. We support all sports Lawrence, primarily Sporting KC, but also the Kansas Jayhawks, the Kansas City Chiefs, Kansas City Royals, Phog, and Beer.
For more information: @FreeStateFirm
Happy Rock Casuals //
We come from North of the River; Gladstone, Liberty, NKC and all of KC Northland. Punk is not dead, we just have kids and go to bed at a more reasonable time. We are united in the front row. We cheer and wave flags. We sing, even when we don't know the words. All are welcome, even Karen.
For more information: @CasualsRock
PacNW Sporting Supporters //
PacNW Dedicated to supporting our boys in blue along the Pacific Northwest. From Portland to Vancouver, we're there to make sure everyone knows which team reigns supreme. Our aim is to be a home away from home for Sporting Kansas City fans. A place to stand and cheer despite dark clouds and local opponents. A place to come together and inspire No Other Club But SKC. As a group of ex-pats, bonded through our love of Sporting, we are here to remind the Cascadia teams who reigns supreme. And it ain't the Sounders.
For more information: @nwskc
Sporting KC Fans of NWA //
Sporting KC Fans of NWA (Northwest Arkansas) is a group designed to reach out to local SKC fans to help organize watch parties, group trips to SKC games as well as keeping up to date with SKC going ons!
For more information: @ARSCSKC
Front Range Sporting SC //
Coming from the Front Range of Colorado, our mission first and foremost is to support Sporting Kansas City and our Boys In Blue. Our second mission is to support and coordinate traveling fans that come to watch Sporting KC here in Colorado or on their way to RSL games. Our third and possibly one of the most important missions is to bring sports fans into the fold of the greatest game in the world and convert them into Sporting fanatics.
Twitter: @FrontRangeSC
Instagram: @
If you are interested in starting an affiliate group in the SSSC, email, send us a tweet, or contact one of our various leaders. We are open to working with any one interested in starting their own affiliate group. Benefits of having an official affiliate group in the South Stand SC include the following: ability to sell your own merchandise in our online store, financial assistance as outlined in our bylaws, and general exposure to a larger audience of supporters.